GRAPHOTEC LTD is legally constituted as a Civil Society with Limited Responsibility Quotes, according brazilian laws, which activities begun on November, 1986.

Initially, in the first years after its foundation, developed Technical Services of Copy and Manufacture of Original Technical Drawings, related to various areas of design and consulting Engineering, providing support to big companies of Engineering and for CEMIG (brazilian great electrical generation, transmission and distribution company).

Due to the specialized professional formation and habilitation of its co-owners, and considering their experience in Projects and Consultancy in the Electrical Engineering area, the company extended its expertise to specialized Consultancy and Projects Services in Electricity, with its formal registry on the legally required organs, in this case, CREA-MG.

The Company is currently directed by its co-owners Dário Lúcio da Silva Prados and Jaime José Barbosa Prados, both Electrical Engineers, graduated by the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG).



Based in the expertise of its partners and consultants, GRAPHOTEC develops Consultancy and Designs Engineering activities, both Basic (including Feasibility and Conceptual) and Detailed (Executive) for electric energy generation and industrial enterprises, with emphasis on the electrical area.

With solid experience over almost 40 years of activities of its directors, and active in the market since 1986, GRAPHOTEC offers, into the Electrical Engineering field, a comprehensive range of services covering the areas of Power, Grounding, Illumination, Control, Protection, Automation and Telephony, aiming at the conception and technical specification of systems as the development of basic and detailed designs of the respective installations.

It must be highlighted the specific expertise to many enterprises/investors with Owner´s Engineering in the Electrical Area, with the accompanying of the Projects since the consolidation of basic and executive designs, going through the public bid and contracting of suppliers or “EPC´s” phases, until the construction accomplishment, assemble and commissioning, and the submission of provisory and definitive acceptance certifications, in the name of the enterprisers.



Based on the specific professional degree of one of its partners, GRAPHOTEC is also authorized to develop activities regarding Work Safety Engineering, focused on electric energy generation and industrial enterprises, with emphasis in the electrical area.




Based in almost 40 years of the experience of its Technical Responsible in the Consultancy and Project Engineering, GRAPHOTEC is also able to develop activities of Legal and Technical Evaluation, including those in arbitration procedures by the Arbitration Chambers, involving diligences, evaluations, legal and technical reports for civil and judicial issues, in Electrical Engineer area.

Overall, must be highlighted GRAPHOTEC´s expertise in Legal and Technical Evaluation related to Energy Generation specialized in Hydroelectric Power Plants and Wind Power Plants, since the enterprise itself until the contractual and legal issues in the interface with the regulatory agencies, regarding Brazil, the ANEEL (Electric Energy National Agency).


© 1986 Graphotec Ltda. All rights reserved

Rua Luiz Signorelli, 101, Bairro Cruzeiro - CEP 30310-210 - Belo Horizonte - MG