MINING involves processes and activities of industrial exploration and processing of natural materials with the goal to support various economic sectors. The environmental issues, associated to this kind of activity, demands continuous technological breakthroughs and engineering interventions. This technological advance, on the many phases of the exploration and beneficiation process, aims to eliminate and/or reduce the damages and accidents risks in this area.

GRAPHOTEC is inserted in this context, strongly operating in this sector since its foundation, focusing as a substantial part of its activities, emphasizing the following PROJECTS and ENTERPRISES:


Development of complete Electrical and Automation Conceptual Projects, relative to the following industrial installations:

- Mining Research Underground Shafts (involving the areas of processing, research, dewatering, ventilation and the respective underground substations) of Timbopeba Project (Mariana-MG) – VALE (CVRD – Companhia Vale do Rio Doce)

- Underground Mine (involving the areas of development, production, crushing, loading, carrying, unloading, dewatering, ventilation and the respective underground substations) of 118 Project – Sulfated Copper (Mineral Province of Carajás – Parauapebas – PA) VALE (CVRD – Companhia Vale do Rio Doce)

- Alemão Underground Mine (involving the areas of development, production, crushing, loading, carrying, unloading, water draining, ventilation system and the respective underground substations) – VALE (CVRD – Companhia Vale do Rio Doce)

- Raposos Gold Mine and Mina Grande (Ithaca Project) (involving the areas of dewatering, ventilation, development, production, carrying, loading, unloading and the respective substations) – Anglo Gold Ashanti (Mineração Morro Velho)



Development of complete Electrical Basic Design, of the following industrial installations:

- Subvertical Hoist (involving Tower, Crushing, Filtering, Loading, Unloading, Dewatering and the respective Underground Electrical Substations (03)) of Caraíba Mine (Jaguarari – BA) – Mineração Caraíba S.A.

- Alemão Underground Mine – FEL-2 (Vertical Hoist, crushing, water pumping, loading system and general electric distribution of the development and production area) – VALE (CVRD – Companhia Vale do Rio Doce)

- Tailing Deposition System of Metallurgical Plant of Zinc (Três Marias-MG) (involving the Electrical Substations (6)) – VMZ – Votorantim Metais Zinco.

- Pulp Pumping Station (Vargem Grande Mine) from the Tailing Pipes of Vargem Grande-Pico + Maravilhas II (involving Electrical Substation expantion and Power and Control Distribution for Pumping Station) – MBR – Minerações Brasileiras Reunidas.

- Pulp Pumping Station (Pico Mine) from the Tailing Pipes of Pico-Vargem Grande – MBR

- Minerações Brasileiras Reunidas.


Development of complete Electrical, Automation and Control Designs, of the following industrial installations:

- Subvertical Hoist (involving Tower, Crushing, Filtering, Loading, Unloading, Dewatering and the respective Underground Electrical Substations (03)) of Caraíba Mine (Jaguarari – BA) – Mineração Caraíba S.A.

- Tailing Deposition System of the Metallurgical Planta of Zinc (Três Marias-MG) (involving Pumping System and the Electrical Substations (6)) – VMZ – Votorantim Metais Zinco.

- Restructuring and rebuilding of Vertical Hoist (involving Tower, Underground Crushing, Unloading, Loading and the respective Electrical Substation (02)) of Morro Agudo Mine (Paracatu-MG) – VMZ – Votorantim Metais Zinco.

- Underground Conveyor of Casa de Pedra Mine – CSN – Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional

- Miguelão Iron Ore Beneficiation Pilot Plant (Nova Lima-MG) - MBR

- Water Intake of Alegria Mine (Mariana-MG) - SAMITRI

- Gold Beneficiation Plant (Itabira-MG) – VALE (CVRD – Companhia Vale do Rio Doce)

- Line VIII of Clinker Production (Rio Branco do Sul – PR) – CCPRB – Companhia de Cimento Portland Rio Branco (Vorantim Group)



Development of complete Electrical, Automation and Control Designs, of the following industrial installations:

- Rebuilding of the Rolling Mill (TL-01) of COMPANHIA SIDERÚRGICA BELGO-MINEIRA.
Loading System of Coal, Coke and Iron Ore Silos of Blast Furnaces I, II and III and the Dust Removal System (Bag Filter and Electrostatic Precipitators) of Sintering - USIMINAS

- Cooling Tower (area 251) and Water Distribution Center (area 262)

- Effluents Treatment for CENIBRA

- Electrical Cable Trays Design to implementation of the SDCD for REGAP (Oil Refinery – Petrobras) (Betim-MG)

- “As Built” of the areas of Furnace 1 (Cement Feeding) and Furnace 2 for CIMENTO CAUÊ (Cement Company)

- Electrical Power Substation of the Railing/Desanding and Pumping Stations of the Sewage Treatment System of Ituiutaba-MG




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Rua Luiz Signorelli, 101, Bairro Cruzeiro - CEP 30310-210 - Belo Horizonte - MG